EFI VUTEk h3/h5

The EFI VUTEk h3 and h5 are the future of digital printing, right now. EFI had reimagined, reinvented, reengineered and refined the high-volume, superwide-format hybrid inkjet platform from the ground up.



The EFI VUTEk h3 and h5 are the future of digital printing, right now. EFI had reimagined, reinvented, reengineered and refined the high-volume, superwide-format hybrid inkjet platform from the ground up. The result is huge revolutionary leaps that take your business higher in terms of productivity, print quality, reliability, capability and profits. All with the ease of use and LED environmentally-friendly benefits you expect from an industrial-built VUTEk printer from EFI.
• h3 productivity up to 74 boards per hour
• h5 productivity up to 109 boards per hour

Print Resolution: True 600 dpi (24 pL) or 1,000 dpi (12 pL) selectable